Download Previous Year PTU University Question Paper of Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech EE PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
B.Tech. (EE-2011 Batch)
Subject Code : BTEE-402 Paper ID : [ A1188]
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks each.
2. SECTION-B contains FIVE questions carrying FIVE marks each and students have to attempt any FOUR questions.
3. SECTION-C contains THREE questions carrying TEN marks each and students have to attempt any TWO questions
Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech EE PTU Nov 2019 Paper
Q1. Answer Briefly.
a) What do you mean by disturbance? Explain.
b) Write down the pneumatic and electrical analogies.
c) What do you mean by sampled data control system? Explain.
d) Discuss (in brief) various time domain test input signals.
e) List the advantages of block diagram representation.
f) What do you mean by absolute and relative stability? Explain.
g) Discuss the importance of compensators in control system.
h) What is the need of error detectors in control system? Explain.
i) What is the significance of rise time and settling time? Discuss.
j) What is the need of time and frequency domain analysis? Discuss.
Q2. Attempt any FOUR questions. 5×4=20
2. Differentiate the following with suitable examples :
a) Open and closed loop systems
b) Linear and non-linear systems
3. Discuss the relationship between time and frequency response for second order systems.
4. Determine the stability of a closed loop control system (using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion) whose characteristics equation is given by
2S5 + 2S4 + + 4S3 + 4S2 + 22S + 20 = 0
The unity feedback control system has open loop transfer function
G(s) =K/s(s + 4). Draw the root locus and determine the value of K if damping ratio is to be 0.707.
5.Explain the field-controlled D.C. servomotor. Also derive the transfer function relating the output wm(s) and the input Vf(s).
Q3. Attempt any TWO questions. 2×10=20
1.Explain :
a) Synchros
b) Parallel compensation
2.Sketch the Bode plot for the transfer function given below : G(s)H(s) =4(s + 4)/s2 (s + 2)(s + 5)
3.Discuss :
a) Steady state error and error coefficient
b) Modelling of mechanical systems
Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech EE PTU APRIL 2013 Paper
Get StartedSection a Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech EE PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
What do you mean by disturbance? Explain.Explain Disturbance
Write down the pneumatic and electrical analogies.
Pneumatic and electrical analogies.
What do you mean by sampled data control system? Explain.
Sampled data control system.
Discuss (in brief) various time domain test input signals.
Various time domain test input signals.
List the advantages of block diagram representation.
Advantages of block diagram representation.
What do you mean by absolute and relative stability? Explain.
Explain absolute and relative stability.
Discuss the importance of compensators in control system.
Importance of compensators in control system.
What is the need of error detectors in control system? Explain.
Need of error detectors in control system.
What is the significance of rise time and settling time? Discuss.
Significance of rise time and settling time.
What is the need of time and frequency domain analysis? Discuss.
Discuss Need of time and frequency domain analysis.
Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
Section B :Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech EE PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
Differentiate the a) Open and closed loop systemsDifferentiate the Open and closed loop systems
b) Linear and non-linear systemsLinear and non-linear systems
Discuss the relationship between time and frequency response for second order systems.Relationship between time and frequency response for second order systems.
Determine the stability of a closed loop control system (using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion) whose characteristics equation is given by 2S5 + 2S4 + + 4S3 + 4S2 + 22S + 20 = 0 The unity feedback control system has open loop transfer functionStability of a closed loop control system (using the Routh-Hurwitz criterion) whose characteristics equation is given by
2S5 + 2S4 + + 4S3 + 4S2 + 22S + 20 = 0
The unity feedback control system has open loop transfer function
G(s) =K/s(s + 4). Draw the root locus and determine the value of K if damping ratio is to be 0.707.
Explain the field-controlled D.C. servomotor. Also derive the transfer function relating the output wm(s) and the input Vf(s).
Field-controlled D.C. servomotor.
Derive the transfer function relating the output wm(s) and the input Vf(s).
Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech EE PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
Get Started c :-Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech EE PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
Explain a) Synchrosa) Synchros
Explain b) Parallel compensation
b) Parallel compensation
Sketch the Bode plot for the transfer function given below : G(s)H(s) =4(s + 4)/s2 (s + 2)(s + 5)
Bode plot for the transfer function given below : G(s)H(s) =4(s + 4)/s2 (s + 2)(s + 5)
Discuss a) Steady state error and error coefficient
a) Steady state error and error coefficient
Discuss b) Modelling of mechanical systems
b) Modelling of mechanical systems
Linear Control Systems 4th Sem BTEE-402 B.Tech PTU APRIL 2019 Paper
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