B.Tech. (EE) (Sem.–4) (2011 Batch)
Subject Code : BTEC-404 Paper ID : [A1207]
l. Write briefly :
a) Discuss one application of Gray code.
b) What is the significance of a truth table? Discuss.
c) Differentiate between multiplexer and an encoder.
d) List the advantages and disadvantages of K – map method.
e) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of successive approximation type A/D converter.
f) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
g) What is a parity bit? Discuss its need.
h) Differentiate between Boolean algebra and ordinary algebra.
i) Define Fan-in, Fan-out and unit load with respect to the logic families.
j) Comment upon the accuracy and resolution of digital to analog converter.
2. Use the laws of Boolean algebra, to reduce the following expression to their simplest form. Name the laws used at each step.
3. Draw the logic diagram and explain the working of 4 bit synchronous down counter.
4. Explain the working of a SR flip-flop. Also explain how the problems of SR flip flop are taken care by JK flip flop.
5. Compare TTL, ECL, MOS and RTL logical families.
6. What is ROM? Discuss its organization and types in detail.
7. a) Draw the logic/circuit diagram of Binary ladder D/A converter and explain its working.
b) Draw and explain the working of a counter type A/D converter.
8. Discuss the following :a) Hamming code for error detection and correction
b) Decision control structure using VHDL 9. Reduce the expression
m(0, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27) to the
simplest possible form using Quine-McClusky method

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Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3×10=30
- Explain OSI Reference model in Details?
- What are the various Ethernet electrical specifications?
- What do you understand by topology, explain its types and also discuss their advantages and disadvantages?
Digital electron ics 4th sem B.TECH PTU QUESTION PAPER
Get StartedSection a Digital electronics 4th sem B.TECH PTU QUESTION PAPER
Discuss one application of Gray code.Application of Gray code.
What is the significance of a truth table? Discuss.
Significance of a truth table
Differentiate between multiplexer and an encoder.
Differentiate between multiplexer and an encoder.
List the advantages and disadvantages of K – map method.
Advantages and disadvantages of K – map method.
Write down the advantages and disadvantages of successive approximation type A/D converter.
Advantages and disadvantages of successive approximation type A/D converter.
Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
What is a parity bit? Discuss its need.
Parity bit and its need.
Differentiate between Boolean algebra and ordinary algebra.
Differentiate between Boolean algebra and ordinary algebra.
Define Fan-in, Fan-out and unit load with respect to the logic families.
Fan-in, Fan-out and unit load with respect to the logic families.
Comment upon the accuracy and resolution of digital to analog converter.
Accuracy and resolution of digital to analog converter.
Optical Fiber Communication OFC 6th Sem Diploma May 2015 Solved Paper Click Here
Section B :Digital electron ics 4th sem B.TECH PTU QUESTION PAPER
Use the laws of Boolean algebra, to reduce the following expression to their simplest form. Name the laws used at each step.Use the laws of Boolean algebra Probem
Draw the logic diagram and explain the working of 4 bit synchronous down counter.
Explain the working of 4 bit synchronous down counter.
Explain the working of a SR flip-flop. Also explain how the problems of SR flip flop are taken care by JK flip flop.
Working of a SR flip-flop.
Compare TTL, ECL, MOS and RTL logical families.
Compare TTL, ECL, MOS and RTL logical families.
What is ROM? Discuss its organization and types in detail.
ROM and its organization and types in detail.
Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma May 2018 Paper Click Here
Digital electron ics 4th sem B.TECH PTU QUESTION PAPER
Get Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHX6f8TIvX8https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_RR6LVICp0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV41CMWonN4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s0LVPE0Q3LE&list=PLA9Q9SDZ781WXNAWit379A4CRLMvjGiUw&index=14&t=0sSection c :-Computer Network 5th Sem Diploma May 2018 Paper
Draw the logic/circuit diagram of Binary ladder D/A converter and explain its workingDraw the logic/circuit diagram of Binary ladder D/A converter
Draw and explain the working of a counter type A/D converter.
Explain the working of a counter type A/D converter.
Discuss the following :a) Hamming code for error detection and correction
Hamming code for error detection and correction
b) Decision control structure using VHDL
Decision control structure using VHDL
Reduce the expression m(0, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27) to the simplest possible form using Quine-McClusky methodReduce the expression m(0, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27) to the simplest possible form using Quine-McClusky method
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