Download Previous Year PTU Question Papers of Analog Electronics 4th Sem April 2013 Paper
Total No. of Questions : 09 Total No. of Pages : 02
Subject Code : EE-204 Paper ID : [A0408]
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying TWO marks each.
2. SECTION-B contains FIVE questions carrying FIVE marks each and students has to attempt any FOUR questions.
3. SECTION-C contains THREE questions carrying TEN marks each and students has to attempt any TWO questions.
Analog Electronics 4th Semester April 2013 Paper
Q1.Write briefly : 10×2=120
(a) What is a linear amplifier?
(b) Which transistor configuration behaves as constant current source and why?
(c) What is Class-AB operation?
(d) What is loading effect in multistage transistor amplifier?
(e) How is distortion minimized in power amplifiers?
(f) What is the importance of unity gain frequency in an amplifier?
(g) The upper 3 dB frequency is 20 KHz and the gain at this frequency is 150. Calculate the gain at frequency of 50 KHz.
(h) Define thermal runaway.
(i) What is the purpose of feedback circuit in an oscillator and what type of feedback does it use?
(j) What is the difference between series and shunt regulator?
Q2. Attempt any FOUR questions. 4×5=30
2. Describe the amplifying action of a transistor.
3. The upper and lower 3dB frequencies of a single stage amplifier are 18 KHz and 30 KHz respectively. Find the frequency range over which the voltage gain is dropped by less than 1.5 dB of its midband value.
4. What are the factors that affect the frequency stability of oscillators? Explain.
5. Draw the circuit of phase inverter. Explain its utility in power amplifiers.
6. Describe the operation of SMPS.
Q3. Attempt any TWO questions. 10×2=20
7. Describe the graphical method of obtaining h-parameters for CE transistor configuration.
8. Design a phase shift oscillator to oscillate at 100 Hz. 9. Write short notes on the following :
i) Difference amplifiers
ii) OPAMP voltage regulator
Analog Electro nics 4th Sem April 2013 Paper
Get StartedSection a Analog Electronics 4th Sem April 2013 PTU Paper
What is a linear amplifier?Linear amplifier
Which transistor configuration behaves as constant current source and why?
Explain Which transistor configuration behaves as constant current source
What is Class-AB operation?Class-AB operation
What is loading effect in multistage transistor amplifier?
Loading effect in multistage transistor amplifier
How is distortion minimized in power amplifiers?
Explain How is distortion minimized in power amplifiers
What is the importance of unity gain frequency in an amplifier?
Importance of unity gain frequency in an amplifier
The upper 3 dB frequency is 20 KHz and the gain at this frequency is 150. Calculate the gain at frequency of 50 KHz.
Upper 3 dB frequency is 20 KHz and the gain at this frequency is 150. Calculate the gain at frequency of 50 KHz.
Define thermal runaway.
Thermal runaway.
What is the purpose of feedback circuit in an oscillator and what type of feedback does it use?
Purpose of feedback circuit in an oscillator and what type of feedback does it use
What is the difference between series and shunt regulator?
Difference between series and shunt regulator
Bus Topology is logical Topology. True/FalseFALSE
Analog Electronics 4th Sem April 2013 PTU Solved Paper Click Here
Section B : Analog Electronics 4th Sem April 2013 PTU Paper
Describe the amplifying action of a transistor.Amplifying action of a transistor.
The upper and lower 3dB frequencies of a single stage amplifier are 18 KHz and 30 KHz respectively. Find the frequency range over which the voltage gain is dropped by less than 1.5 dB of its midband value.
Upper and lower 3dB frequencies of a single stage amplifier are 18 KHz and 30 KHz respectively. Find the frequency range over which the voltage gain is dropped by less than 1.5 dB of its midband value.
What are the factors that affect the frequency stability of oscillators?Explain.
Factors that affect the frequency stability of oscillators
Draw the circuit of phase inverter. Explain its utility in power amplifiers.
Circuit of phase inverter.
Explain its utility in power amplifiers.
Describe the operation of SMPS
Operation of SMPS
Analog Electronics 4th Sem April 2013 PTU Paper Click Here
Analog Electro nics 4th Sem April 2013 PTU Paper
Get Started c :- Analog Electronics 4th Sem April 2013 PTU Paper
Describe the graphical method of obtaining h-parameters for CE transistor configuration.Graphical method of obtaining h-parameters for CE transistor configuration.
Design a phase shift oscillator to oscillate at 100 Hz.
Design a phase shift oscillator to oscillate at 100 Hz.
Write short notes on the following : i) Difference amplifiers ii) OPAMP voltage regulatorShort notes on the following :
i) Difference amplifiers
ii) OPAMP voltage regulator
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